When we think of hanging out and having fun, many of us automatically assume that this will involve some kind of vacation. This trip is usually away from home and amongst new people and friends. But what if we told you that there are endless ways to have fun right here in your own neighborhood? Imagine a range of fun activities to enjoy with people you see every day?
Getting to know your neighbors is a crucial element of living harmoniously. It can also help to foster a collaborative community spirit that offers enormous benefits for residents. Neighborhood activities can be a great way to connect, communicate, and build a community that will stand the test of time.
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Why Do We Need Neighborhood Activities?
As a society, we have become increasingly fragmented. The rise of technology and social media means that more of us are spending time at home. We are also often communicating digitally rather than in person. This tech undoubtedly has a number of benefits, including the ability to chat with people on the other side of the world.
This global perspective can have downsides, however. The connection means that it can be easy to forget the people who live shoulder to shoulder with you every day. As a result, community spirit can be challenging to come by.
This absence can leave people unsettled, and many homeowners report feeling isolated from their neighbors, who may be strangers. Human contact and connection are important, and it is a great feeling to have smiling, welcoming faces surrounding your home.
So just how can you foster that community spirit, and get to know your neighbors? We have some top tips and fun activities that can really help you have fun and get into the spirit of togetherness! Without further ado, it is time to start connecting!
The Power of Art
The benefits of creating and enjoying art are well documented, but did you know that it can also connect your community? Chalk is your new best friend here; it is non-permanent, easy to adapt, and washes away in the next shower.
One cool community activity is to create a communal coloring book on your driveway. Perhaps you sketch out geometric shapes that can be filled in and colored by those who pass and live nearby?
Or maybe you are super creative and can come up with a stunning scene or mural which can be added to by other artists? Either way, try to get your whole neighborhood to take part and make sure you take time to contribute to each other’s artworks!
Hide and seek!
If you have been active on social media, you may have seen the painted rocks which are growing in popularity. As the name suggests, this involves painting a rock, with bright colors or inspirational phrases, and hiding it somewhere. Others who find it can take a photo to share on social media, before passing on the trend and finding a new hiding place.
While the challenge is being undertaken all across the world, it can also be personalized for your particular neighborhood. If your local shopkeeper is doing a great job, and the guy across the street helped you out, why not show your thanks?
Create a unique personalized painted rock to hide it somewhere you know they’ll find it, and share an image to social media! Alternatively, brighten up walking and hiking trails with cute messages.
These rocks can be set out for walkers to find and redistribute – a great way to foster good feeling in the community. Use your neighborhood Facebook page to share images when you find a treat and encourage others to go on the hunt!
Check out The Kindness Rocks Project for more on painting rocks.
We’re going on a bear hunt…
This idea is a brilliant and simple way to brighten up a daily walk with minimal effort. Find a bear in your home – a stuffed bear or favorite teddy is perfect. Then head to a window which can be seen from the street, and make your participant fully visible.
As people head out on their daily exercise, the local children can enjoy their very own ‘bear hunt’ – how many can you see?
An exotic alternative is the window safari, which is also easy to set up. Simply pop a note through your neighbor’s doors or post on the community page, explaining the rules. Everyone picks a safari animal and finds a stuffed toy to match – try lions, tigers, bears, ostriches, and many more!
On your daily walk, children can see which animals they can spot, and record them in a special ‘Safari Journal.’ Once home, it is time to look up the creatures you have seen and learn all about them! This activity is a great way to bring the community together and combine this with a valuable learning experience.
DIY Library!
The chances are that you may be struggling to access your local library, but this does not have to be a barrier to reading! Instead, find a dry, safe spot in the neighborhood – a shed or clubhouse is perfect.
Here, people can leave old books and magazines, with the means to clean them up if desired. When you have finished your book, take it along to the swap shop. Then, hunt around and find something new to read and enjoy from the selection.
A perfect chance to save some cash – especially if your child is a bookworm! – and find a host of new and exciting stories to enjoy.
Connect Your Community
Community spirit is essential, especially during difficult times. Coming together helps people to feel safe and supported, and shows that we are all in it together. For more neighborhood ideas, check this out.
Your local area can be a hidden treasure trove of potential, and there could be activities available right on your doorstep. The Twin Cities Kids Club is a great starting point. This resource can help you access some fantastic deals, offers, and discounts to really enjoy your local area.
With just a few steps, there is a range of exciting activities that can be used to really connect your community. Take the time to get to know your neighbors, enjoy a new challenge or event, and have a lot of fun all at the same time!
Join Twin Cities Kids Club today to start saving.